Hi, I’m Anita! ✧

UI/UX Designer with a strong aspiration to create meaningful and empowering designs for people.

Ever After Tearoom & Eatery Redesign

Overhauling aesthetic appeal and facilitating easy navigation of an eatery website’s information architecture.

Website design, UI/UX design, freelance

Adobe + DoorDash: Designathon

Addressing specific problem spaces in order to foster healthier eating habits.

🥉 Placed 3rd out of 30+ teams

Mobile design, UI/UX design, design sprint

Tangible Power Pose & Affirmations

Fostering feelings of empowerment through power posing and self-affirmations — a tangible user interface project.

Tangible design project, Arduino

San Francisco Picnic Reservation Redesign

Streamlining the process of reserving a picnic site for users in San Francisco, California.

Mobile design, UI/UX design